Do you want to know if your partner is unhappy, there are many red flags that tell you that your partner is no longer happy with you. Do you know relationship expectations can change and affect how you live together.
When conflicts arise, you have to know how to handle them, because they can deepen the wounds and demotivate you. It is important to highlight that happiness should not be placed on another person, but on yourself, because you are the owner of your actions, responsible for your emotions and how you manage them.
These are some of the red flags that will tell you that your partner is no longer happy with you and the time has come to talk seriously to solve it, even if this means each person taking different paths and, at the same time, rectifying so as not to repeat mistakes. neither with him, nor with anyone else.
1. They no longer make plans together
When you are in a relationship there are always joint goals, objectives for which you both work side by side and achieving them gives you great satisfaction, but if as time goes by, this is diminishing.
2. Goodbye to passion
The time has passed to have a great time in bed, to give prominence to lust and you didn’t realize it. You look for your partner, you try to please, but it seems that what used to excite him/her today doesn’t even tickle, so your partner is no longer satisfied with you.
3. 24/7 Reviews
Before your partner liked everything, Your partner was captivated by your appearance, loved the way you dressed, spoke, were cuddly, and loved the way you loved. It turns out that everything is now bothering and making your partner feel uncomfortable. This is a clear indication that your partner is no longer happy with you.