The secret of the Baghdad battery

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The secret of the Baghdad battery

In 1936, a flood occurred near the current Iraqi capital, Baghdad, as a result of which a hill was to be mined.The earth was supposed to close the water pools and during the removal a Parthian settlement was discovered, in which the workers found a mysterious object.The object was a clay vase that lay in the basement of a house and had a complicated interior.Today, the clay vase is known as the Baghdad battery because, according to scientific research, it was used for the gold refining of zinc.The scientists disagree as to whether the Baghdad battery could have been used to generate electricity.

Construction of the Baghdad battery

The Baghdad battery was in the clay vase, consisting of a copper cylinder, which was provided with a copper plate in the lower section and sealed. The copper cylinder, 9 centimeters long, was integrated into the vase together with an asphalt plug and had an iron rod in the middle. Researchers suspect that the reason for the corroded iron rod is a liquid that must have been in the clay pot. The clay pot measures 14 centimeters in height and is around 8 centimeters in diameter. The iron rod in the copper cylinder was covered with an asphalt plug and served as a bracket. Tests with replica Baghdad batteries have shown that their current output is not sufficient to light up a light bulb.

The location of the battery was a Parthian settlement, which existed from 250 before to 225 AD. Similar vessels were discovered in Seleukia and Ktesiphon as early as 1930 and 1931. According to Wilhelm König’s thesis, the Baghdad battery is an object for galvanization or power generation. Based on his thesis, a number of theories exist today that have not yet been able to answer the question about the object. Citric acid or acetic acid in the Baghdad battery could have served as a liquid to protect the electrolyte from drying out or becoming contaminated.

Baghdad Battery Theories

To date, a handful of theories have been established about the Baghdad battery. The first theory states that the clay vase with the inside of a battery was used to perform a galvanic surface treatment of silver coins. The antiquarian Paul Craddock names stimulation current stimulation as the theoretical field of application of the Baghdad battery. Due to the low voltage, the object was hardly used as a device for power generation. In the Hathor Temple of Dendera on the south wall of the crypt are the famous reliefs called “Bulbs of Dendera”, which proto-scientists like Erich von Däniken or Peter Krassa depict Egyptian light bulbs. The reliefs date from the reign of Pharaoh Ptolemy XII. Neos Dionysos, who reigned around 30 BC. Based on the data, the “light bulbs” would be older than the Baghdad battery, which was estimated to be 2000 years old. According to traditional Egyptology, the reliefs are an early morning sunrise. The supporters of pre-astronautics, on the other hand, suspected that the Egyptian gods were extraterrestrial beings who imparted their knowledge of high technology to the Egyptians.

Secrets of the ancient Egyptians

In addition to the Baghdad battery, the ancient Egyptians hold many unresolved secrets, such as the Great Pyramid of Cheops and the Sphinx. The Cheops pyramid was built according to the principle of the “golden section”, but at the time of construction, when Pharaoh Cheops ruled, no such calculation method was known. Around the largest pyramid in the world there are cuts in stones that appear to have been machined by modern cutting tools such as milling machines. We have already reported extensively on the Cheops pyramid. According to theories, there is supposed to be a library under the Sphinx, which is supposed to answer all questions of mankind.

What theory or idea do you have about the mysterious Baghdad battery and its unexplained function?

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