The Parallel Universe

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The Parallel Universe

There are numerous mysteries on our earth that are still unsettled, including stories of people who claim to have disappeared and returned to a parallel world. Nobody can answer the question of whether parallel worlds are real. General science classifies such ideas of parallel worlds as fancies or spinning because there is no evidence of their existence. We are now reporting cases in which people were miraculously teleported into a parallel world. The cases, as described, actually happened, even if there are certain doubts in some stories.

Case of Pedro Oliva Ramirez

The Parallel Universe

The Spaniard Pedro Oliva Ramirez was on the road from Seville to Alcala de Guadaira on November 9, 1986 at 11:00 p.m. He knew the route like the back of his hand and was terrified when he drove down a bend and landed on a six-lane freeway. The structures of this parallel world looked unnatural as not of this world and the landscapes were mysteriously alien. Pedro suddenly felt a warm feeling that flowed through him and heard distant voices telling him that he would be in a parallel world. He encountered cars that always passed him every eight minutes and seemed strangely out of date. Black rectangles were visible on the number plates of the mostly white or beige cars. An hour passed until he found a turn on the left and finally found himself back home in Alcala de Guadaira. He never found the crossroads to the mysterious six-lane freeway again.

Case of Carol Chase

The Parallel Universe

In 2006 Carol Chase drove from Perris, California to her hometown San Bernardino and spontaneously decided on the way to go to her birthplace, Riverside, where she had spent her childhood. Carol was in the right place geographically, but everything around her looked strangely strange. She found neither her parents’ house nor the houses of other members of her family. She hadn’t recognized a single house, even though the house numbers were correct. The cemetery was a place with a fence and weeds. She didn’t find her grandparents’ grave there.

The woman drove on through Riverside and discovered a few clues as she drove, such as college or middle school. She was in the right city, but it all seemed so scary and mysterious. There was a strange atmosphere in the city and the people radiated something that made Carol uncomfortable and she decided to leave Riverside. In contrast to the real riverside, it was dark, eerie and darker here. When she drove to her father’s funeral a few years after the event, Riverside was as she remembered it.

The Parallel world Real or Fake.?

The two stories seem to have sprung from the imagination, but Carol Chase and Pedro Oliva Ramirez actually experienced them that way. How do we have to imagine a parallel world? Are the people there different? Are there different physical laws in a parallel world than on Earth? Questions over questions that nobody can answer.

In a parallel world, everything should be reversed. The people who are the losers on earth will be successful on an “inverted earth” and vice versa it would be the same. Diseases that are incurable today would be curable in the parallel world, politics would be more peaceful and technologically seen if the parallel earth were clearly superior to our home world.

A journey into a parallel world would take place in various ways, either via interdimensional invisible gates, streets and paths that suddenly appear out of nowhere. The film industry deals with the topic from time to time, such as the SF series “Sliders – the gateway to a foreign dimension” or the episode “The Dark Side of the Mirror” from the Star Trek series “Enterprise” with parallel worlds.

What do you think about parallel worlds? Have you ever had a strange journey where you thought you were in a strange world or place?

Image source- google

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