We asked many happiness expert to give us some tips to feel better and increase happiness that don’t involve $10,000 shopping , traveling to the Maldives or dating a supermodel.
Here We’ll discuss little things every day and you will feel happier.
1. Mondays are bad and Fridays are good.Humans live an average of 4000 weeks, and a seventh of your life passes on Monday.
Friday means you’re near the end of one of the limited weeks you have left until death, while Monday is your chance to leave your mark on the universe.
2. Hug a lot. The average hug lasts (according to a statistic, we assume) 2.1 seconds, but to generate the endorphins of happiness it must last for at least 7 seconds.
3. Practice the 4/2 rule
4. Say nice things about people behind their backs. It has a boomerang effect,
5. Write a list of 10 things you really value but take for granted. “Cheers” and “friends” are almost mandatory also write a list of the 10 happiest moments in your life and you will realize that most of them are experiences and not products.
6. Make sure to spend quality time with your loved ones every day after returning from work.
7. Spend less time with virtual friends and more with real ones.
8. Write down your five personal strengths. Be aware of them and look harder for opportunities to use them.Change your goal. Stop setting your sights on “finishing the week” or “surviving until the next vacation,” and focus on “enjoying the week” or “inspiring people.”
9. Always stick with the 90/10 rule: according to it, 10 percent of your happiness depends on the things that happen to you and the other 90 percent depends on how you react to those events.
Being positive is a conscious choice.
10. When setbacks occur, ask yourself how important they rank on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 is death). If it’s death, you have permission to break down. If it’s anything else, you can fix it.
11. Most people have an inner voice that turns out to be very critical. Challenge her. If he tells you that you’re an idiot, tell him no firmly. Find a positive inner voice (try to fight this battle in silence).
12. Practice the 4-minute rule – bring out the best version of yourself in the first 4 minutes when you arrive to work, when you start a meeting, when you return home. Your happiness will be contagious.
13. Forget the word “try.” Instead of saying something like, “I’m going to try to lose a few pounds” or “I’m going to try to get a little fitter,” try “I’m going to lose some weight” or “I’m going to get more fit.” Always remember one thing in life “Do it or don’t do it, but don’t try.”
14. Take a real interest in other people. Ask what you need about them. In a strange twist of psychological quantum, people will find you amazingly interesting.
15. Make sure you use positive rather than negative language. Make sure you always talk positive things.
The average has to be around five positive uses for each negative one so be aware of everything that the people around you do well and tell them about it.