Vitamin C increases the immune system

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In this period it is good to increase the intake of vitamin C to strengthen the immune system. Here are the 10 foods that are richest in it.

Vitamin C is a fundamental substance for health , to be integrated all year round and in particular in this period of Coronavirus emergency.

Vitamin C foods

Thanks to it’s strong antioxidant powers, ascorbic acid (ie vitamin C ) raises the barriers of the immune system and helps the body neutralize free radicals.

Here are the 10 foods richest in vitamin C, excellent for integrating this precious substance

1. Grape

Grapes are among the foods richest in vitamin C, with an intake of 340 mg/100 g . It also has a high content of vitamins A and B6, folate and many essential minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium.


In grapes there are also the very precious flavonoids , antioxidants able to reduce the damage caused by free radicals and thus slow down cellular aging.

2. Currant

Currants also have a high vitamin C content, 200 mg per 100g. It also contains citric acid, malic acid, flavonoids, anthocyanins, polyunsaturated acids and trace elements which guarantee an astringent, refreshing and protective action on the retina, vessels and capillaries.

Red & Black Currant

They also have diuretic and purifying properties , which is why they fight water retention and cellulite . Finally, its anti-inflammatory properties should not be underestimated : it seems that blackcurrant buds have an action similar to that of cortisone.

3. Peppers

Bell peppers also provide an excellent amount of vitamin C. The red and yellow ones 166 mg/100 g while the green variety a little less, 127 mg. The pepper is able to deeply hydrate the body, replenishing the water being composed of 92% . It also has many mineral salts such as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium , it strengthens the muscles and favors the absorption of iron.

Bell peppers

It also has a good content of  vitamin A and prevents free radicals  thanks to the antioxidant properties of both vitamins, A and C. But there are also those of group B, E, J and K. The  potassium and carotene contained have diuretic properties , useful for urinary and detox functions.

4. Parsley

Parsley contains 162 mg/100g of vitamin C and should preferably be eaten raw to preserve all its beneficial properties. The heat of cooking, in fact, deteriorates vitamins and mineral salts contained in the leaves.


Regularly consuming raw parsley stimulates the increase of the immune system , strengthens the circulatory system and thins the blood. It is also an excellent source of beta-carotene with an antioxidant action , therefore useful for protecting the skin. It also contains a lot of calcium, which is essential for the remineralization of bones, hair and nails.

5. Rocket

Rocket contains 110 mg per 100 g and is rich in water (91%), proteins, carbohydrates and fibres. It has a good calcium content (useful for the health of bones, nails, teeth, hair) and also potassium, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium.


It contains a lot of iron which, in synergy with vitamin C, is more absorbed . In fact, it is precisely vitamin C that manages to assimilate iron to the body if consumed at the same time.
Also present are vitamins E, A, J, B, F and K (the latter are useful for strengthening liver functions); contains beta-carotene , useful to the body for its antioxidant and skin protective properties.

6. Kiwi

Kiwifruit contains 85 mg of vitamin C per 100 g , as well as vitamin E, copper and iron . The combination of these substances determines the antiseptic properties of this fruit. In addition to being refreshing, thirst-quenching and diuretic , kiwifruit manages to boost the immune system thanks to its vitamin C content.


The ascorbic acid contained in the kiwi is able to transform cholesterol into bile salts, expelling it from the body and rebalancing important physiological functions, with a very powerful detox effect .

7. Spinach

Spinach contains 54mg per 100g when eaten raw . Let us remember, cooking alters and deteriorates the nutritional composition of foods. The presence of vitamin C leads to a greater absorption of the iron contained in spinach (and for an even more optimal assimilation, the dressing with lemon is ideal ).


They also have a lot of vitamin A, folic acid, nitrate (able to increase muscle strength), lutein (protective of the retina) and offer valid help in case of constipation.

8. Clementines

Also stock up on clementines , as they contain 54 mg of vitamin C per 100 g .Rich as they are in water, mineral salts, sugars and fibres, they are a true elixir of health and beauty. Consume a couple of them a day and your immune system will be positively affected, as well as your bones and skin.


It is an excellent snack for sportsmen and for those who are following a low-calorie diet.

9. Strawberries

Strawberries have a vitamin C content of 54 mg/100 g. They are diuretic, refreshing, purifying and rich in nutrients such as phosphorus, iron, calcium and vitamins A, B1, B2, as well as C.


They are low in calories and rich in fiber , perfect to consume when you are on a diet. And that’s not all: they contain xylitol , a substance capable of preventing the formation of dental plaque, fighting bad breath and, incredible, naturally whitening your teeth.

10. Oranges and lemons

Surprisingly, oranges and lemons are by no means the foods with the highest vitamin C content. They still contain a good percentage, equal to 50 mg per 100 g. Citrus fruits help counteract and relieve seasonal ailments such as colds, coughs, sore throats, flu and infectious diseases.

Oranges and lemons

The high water content contributes to good hydration and stimulates the diuretic and draining action, with a notable purifying effect.




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