The pregnancy test measures the levels of beta HCG(Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) which allow to verify a possible pregnancy. Here’s how it works, when and how to do it
A few days of delay of the menstrual cycle and it’s panic, because, whether it’s wanted or not, the news of a pregnancy is always more or less a bombshell. However, the delay in the arrival of menstruation is not always linked to a possible pregnancy and in any case also the verification with the test has times and ways to respect for the result to be truthful. What to do then? Let’s try to understand together what are the right times for the test, how it works and what to do.
How the pregnancy test works
Pregnancy tests, both urine and blood, are used to detect levels of beta HCG in the body, which rise steadily during the first trimester of pregnancy, doubling every two to three days during the first six weeks, until peak around between eight and twelfth weeks. The presence of beta HCG therefore confirms that fertilization has taken place.
When to take the pregnancy test
For the test to be realistic and credible, it needs to be carried out at the right time. It makes no sense, for example, to do it immediately after a possible risky relationship, since the result would be unreliable if negative. The ideal is to wait for a delay and how many days depends a lot on the nature of the cycle. One day late is sufficient for young women who have a regular menstrual cycle ; while it is better to wait 4-5 days for those who have an irregular cycle. If your period still doesn’t appear, it’s time to proceed with the test.
Blood and urine pregnancy test
Beta HCG is present in the blood and is eliminated in the urine, so it is possible to carry out the test on the two samples. The one on the blood is certainly more precise and early, capable of detecting pregnancy already 3-4 days after the presumed fertilization. To do this, you need to go to a laboratory with a doctor’s prescription. Those of the urine can also be done at home, without great difficulty. The ideal is to wait for the delay, even if some early pregnancy tests can verify the presence of beta HCG even a few days before the hypothetical arrival of the period, if not too close to the “at risk” relationship.
The urine test
The urine test can be done in an analysis laboratory, bringing the collected sample or at home (the test can be bought directly at the pharmacy without a doctor’s referral). The best time to collect the urine sample is in the morning , because they are more concentrated. In the home test, it is sufficient to pour the urine into the appropriate box and wait 5 minutes for the result. The outcome of the tests on the market is 97% guaranteed false negative results are more likely if the test is carried out too early; false positives are decidedly rare. Pay attention to the deadline, which can alter the detection.
The results
The do-it-yourself tests are intuitive and still with clear instructions. After 5 minutes from the sampling the result can be:
- positive if the two clear lines appear, confirming the pregnancy in progress. In this case, however, it is required and recommended to take a blood test to formalize the pregnancy and continue with the journey in the clinic;
- negative if only one of the two lines appears;
- doubt if the second line is clear and not very intense. In this case it is recommended to repeat the test or do the blood test.
Alternatively there are the sticks with the symbols + or –
The result of the blood test, on the other hand is positive or negative with the value detected.
Once the positivity of the test and the pregnancy in progress have been confirmed, it is necessary to immediately inform the doctor in charge, especially if you are following pharmacological treatments, if we have received vaccinations or for any other doubts. The pregnancy is then followed up free of charge by the local clinic, with scheduled visits and pre-established tests. If the pregnancy was unwanted, it is possible to evaluate an abortion, in compliance with all current regulations for free choice. The doctor will be the best to guide you on the services in the area.
No anxiety
What if, on the other hand, the line is one but we really wanted a positive result? No stress. Let’s not panic and let’s not fossilize ourselves on this negative outcome. Anxiety and thoughts are among the first reasons to inhibit a possible fecundation. And stress could be the cause of the delay, which will still need to be monitored by the doctor, if prolonged, to verify the causes.
Better to prevent
To avoid unnecessary worries and constant trips to the pharmacy, it would be advisable to have responsible behavior in the sexual sphere. If you don’t want to become pregnant, today there are many ways to avoid it, with contraceptives that really meet every need. There are barrier ones, to be used even without programming for occasional intercourse, and which also protect against sexually transmitted diseases, there are hormonal and oral ones. At the counseling center it is possible to have all the information to avoid a pregnancy when we do not yet want one.