Creepy visitor at night

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Reddit user FatNDepressed caused a stir on August 16, 2016 when he published and reported on Reddit a post with a picture of an eerie night visitor.According to him, he has an app from Vivint Smart Home Security System on his smartphone that informs him when someone rings his doorbell while he’s away.He posted the times when the doorbell rang on Reddit and they are very unusual.The stranger always rang the bell at three, four or five in the morning, and even on Sunday.When FatNDepressed wasn’t home, the smart home security system picked up the being or the person who rang the doorbell.He published the photo of this creepy visitor on Reddit.

Creepy visitor at night


Who is the creepy visitor?

When he got back home, he called up the program that was connected to the webcam. The camera takes a photo whenever someone rings the doorbell. He posted the photo of the nightly creepy visitor. The guy with his big black eyes looks scary, doesn’t seem to have arms and is dressed in a thick t-shirt or sweater. The creepy visitor looks directly into the camera and shows his teeth. It looks like he’s trying to smile in a very scary way. His black eyes look very dark, cold and mysterious. Is the stranger just made up and takes a bad joke in the middle of the night?

Reddit user FatNDepressed continued to report on the event after his posting. In October he wrote that everything was fine and that he was alive. He suspected a prank behind the creepy visitor who rang his doorbell several days in a row. FatNDepressed also apologized for not reporting for so long because he was studying and had little time for Reddit. To date, FatNDepressed has not been able to tell who the mysterious stranger was and he hopes that it was actually just a joke and that he was not the target of a stalker.

When the doorbell rings at night …

If you are sitting in your bed in the middle of the night because of the doorbell ringing, you should never open the door. No one rings a front door late at night unless it’s an emergency and someone needs help. There are real shock stories about nocturnal visitors and the Black Eyed Kids (BEK) are particularly worth mentioning here. The Black Eyed Kids are children with deep black eyes without pupils. They like to show up at night, ring the doorbell and ask for admission. A couple in Vermont opened their front door in January 2015, the consequences were appalling. The mysterious children were apparently waiting for their parents and answered questions in a creepy voice. A little later they left the house and got into a black car with two men in it. The men could have been the men in black. Shortly thereafter, the BEK disappeared without a trace. As a result of the encounter with the sinister BEK, the couple’s four cats died. The man and woman suffered serious illnesses and barely survived. Why the couple fell ill and their cats died has not yet been clearly clarified.

When the doorbell rings at night, you should never open the front door for your own safety, because you never know who is at the door. At best, it could be the neighbor who forgot to insert his front door key, at worst it could be the BEK, a creepy stranger, or a criminal. Under no circumstances open the door at night because this can pose an enormous risk to your life and health. Using an app like FatNDepressed makes sense and can be an important decision-making aid whether you should open the door or stay in bed. The installation of a security system in connection with an app is definitely a sensible investment in your own security.

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