10 signs your relationship is in trouble

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Do you think there is something wrong between you and your partner? Here are the signs to spot problems in a relationship.
Bad Relationship

Let’s imagine you’ve been in a relationship with someone for several months now. It seems to you that things are going well: you have a lot in common, you have met each other’s friends and you are enjoying the time you spend together. But… something is wrong.You may not quite understand what it is, but your sixth sense tells you there is a problem.

Of course all romances face some challenges, but when the challenges of those outweigh the ease, fun, and joy of being together, then that might be the time to reconsider your relationship.

And to do that, the first step is to recognize when something is wrong.While every couple is different, there are some signs that the relationship isn’t going to work out in the long run .

Here they are.

10 signs to keep an eye on to understand if a relationship is in crisis

relationship is in crisis

1. You spend less and less time together

It’s not like you have to spend every second together to be a successful couple. In fact, having your own separate identity and time is ideal when it comes to a healthy relationship. But distance can and will impact intimacy and may lead you to question whether the quality time you spend together is actually a priority for both parties.

2. Hide things from your partner

Items you’ve bought, plans you’ve made, people you’ve seen. While everyone has a right to privacy, if you find yourself keeping secrets on a regular basis, it could indicate a lack of trust between you and your partner.

3. Do things specifically to annoy each other

Meanness and meanness can be a slippery slope in relationships. If one half of the couple intentionally irritates the other , it sets an unhealthy precedent for the rest of their behavior.

4. Regularly look for reasons not to go home (if you live together)

At the end of a girls’ night out, do you find yourself wishing you didn’t have to go home to your partner?If you do, try asking yourself why you feel this way. What do you dislike about your home environment? What could you or your partner do to change the dynamic and make it a comfortable space for both of you?

5. Actively plan date nights without your partner

Similarly, if you’re not thrilled about the prospect of spending time with your loved one outside the home, it’s likely a sign of disconnection and tension within the relationship.


6. You constantly argue about trivial things 

Every relationship experiences silly arguments, but these usually end up laughing after an apology. But if you and your partner often fight for the hell of it, then that’s a sign that something is wrong. Chances are you are angry or frustrated about something else, but take your nervousness out on the other person.

7. Always go to bed at different times

Intimacy, be it physical, sexual, or emotional, is important in maintaining a connection within a relationship. But if you and your partner always go to bed at different times (and, more importantly, you don’t seem fazed by it ), it could be an indication that your relationship isn’t working the way it should.

Yes, life sometimes gets in the way, but if you’re not bothered by a lack of closeness , chances are the distance is having a bigger effect than you might realize.

8. You are unwilling to compromise on anything

No one can agree on everything. But if in your relationship, rather than compromising, you clearly have fundamentally different desires and values ​​that are nearly impossible to navigate long-term, then you may have a problem.

9. You are happy when the other is not around 

If you feel some sort of reassurance when your partner isn’t with you, then it’s probably time to move on.

10. You prefer to spend time alone rather than with your partner

You should want to spend time with the person you’re in a relationship with, not alone.

Of course, “me-time” is essential, but if you’d rather be alone on a regular basis than spend the day with your partner, then the relationship could be in trouble.

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