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Why people cheat (even in happy couples)

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What are the psychological motivations behind cheating? This is why people cheat and why even happy couples cheat.

When you discover a betrayal you are overwhelmed by an emotional tsunami: shock, disbelief, anger, a sense of emptiness and bewilderment are just some of the emotions you feel when you discover that your partner has had an adventure or a parallel relationship. But why is he/she cheating? And why do people cheat even when they are happy in the relationship?

It’s an event that destabilizes deeply: one feels lost, disoriented, someone can feel guilty, others can feel hurt and destroyed in their self-esteem. And as a common denominator there is always that the betrayed people cannot understand why the other needed – or could not resist – the call of the arms of another (or another). And so the question that always comes up is “Why do you cheat?”

Why do you cheat? Here are the psychological motivations behind the betrayal

Why cheat :

The reasons are different, each couple has its own story and balance and the reasons that lead one of the two to betray are also different. Let’s say that some reasons essentially concern the couple: in this case, the betrayal is a bit the tip of the iceberg of something that no longer works. Let’s see some examples:



Why do people cheat?

In addition to the aspects that mainly concern the couple, there are other reasons that lead a person to betray, they could concern more one of the partners than a couple problem: this is a bit the case when couples – apparently happy – are overwhelmed by betrayal.





Obviously these reasons don’t justify cheating , but they can provide an explanation as to why some people might make this decision. Open communication, mutual trust, and ongoing relationship work are key to preventing cheating and dealing with challenges that may arise within a couple.

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