What does it mean to dream of flying, falling or losing teeth? Here are the most common dream interpretations.
On the other hand, dreams are mysterious and analyzing them to find out their meaning may not be so immediate. Recalling dreams can be difficult. Studies show that people forget 80-90% of their dreams and some people can’t remember anything.
It is therefore important to write down dreams as soon as you wake up, to help yourself remember and therefore try to interpret their meanings more accurately. As we said, then, dreams can be connected to events that have happened or are happening in our lives. And given that negative emotions and anxious feelings are more prevalent in dreams according to a study of over 50,000 people by psychologist Calvin S. Hall, by analyzing what we dream we can solve problems and identify new ways to deal with the problems we encounter in life.
What does it mean to dream
Dream of falling
Interpretations of this type of dream center around feelings of fear and vulnerability. Falling in dreams can also indicate feelings of helplessness and feeling overwhelmed.
Dream of being chased
Feelings of stress and anxiety are the main cause of being chased while dreaming. If someone feels threatened in their waking life, it can also result in dreams of being chased.
Sometimes, these dreams can come from feelings of anger and are seen as a warning to beware of possible threats.
Dream of being naked
Commonly triggered by feelings of being exposed, dreams of being naked in public places like school or work can also be triggered by feeling blamed by someone.
Dream of flying
The ability to fly is associated with freedom. However, if you are struggling or unable to fly in your dream, it can indicate a lack of confidence.
Teeth falling out in dreams
Dreaming of falling teeth can commonly be related to feeling unattractive or having negative thoughts about your image.Difficulties with communication can also be a reason for these dreams, as teeth falling out can make it difficult to speak. Even a lack of confidence can trigger this type of dream.