When there’s work, family, social life, bills and everything in between, it’s easy to think of self-improvement as something we just don’t have time for. But this is where we go wrong: it takes very little to improve one’s life.
You got it right improving your life, just like improving yourself, doesn’t mean making big changes and wasting hours of your already busy days.
In fact, it’s usually those little things we do every day that little by little add up and lead to longer-term growth.
There are therefore small habits and practices that can help us increase our confidence, reduce stress, build deeper relationships, find our balance between work and private life.
More generally, it’s the small changes that help us become a healthier (mentally, emotionally, and physically) and happier person.
10 things to do every day to improve your life
1. Practice mindfulness
You’re probably sick of hearing the phrase “you should definitely try meditation.” But here we repeat it again. Mindfulness means achieving awareness of self and reality in the present moment and in a non-judgmental way . It really only takes 10 minutes to get instant results.
2. Find the morning routine that’s right for you
One of the most suggested methods by experts to have a productive day is to save time in the morning and break each activity into small steps and then schedule them all . This means having a specific routine from the moment you wake up.
It may feel a little overwhelming, yes, but it really works. A well-defined morning routine will help you be less stressed and more productive during the day , thus increasing the greater goal that of improving one’s life.
3. Do the same for the evening
If having a specific morning routine helps you be more productive, having one for the evening will also help you relax and rest better.
There are those who want to take a bath every night before going to bed, those who want to read a book or talk on the phone with their friends.
There is no perfect formula that works for everyone the important thing, however, is to create one and respect it. Consistency will help you fall asleep better and feel ready for the next day.
4. Avoid having lunch or dinner in front of the computer
Let’s face it sometimes it’s hard to break away from work and we find ourselves having lunch in front of the computer screen while answering emails.
Here then is that a small change to make to improve one’s life is to take some time and dedicate oneself exclusively to the lunch break (or dinner). It’s important to maintain a work-life balance throughout the day , not just at the end of the day.
Taking a lunch break away from your desk or away from the office will then help you take a step towards a healthier and more balanced life.
While channel surfing on TV was once the perfect pastime to unplug, now we’re just scrolling through our social media feeds. A good practice then is to train yourself to limit your online time to a pre-set maximum of hours a day thus becoming aware of the amount of time you spend online doing nothing.
Of course, that doesn’t mean you should cut out apps like Instagram or TikTok altogether, but limiting your time on social media will have a number of health benefits.
6. Get out of your comfort zone
The idea of stepping out of one’s comfort zone can paralyze some people. However, it is an (almost) mandatory step for any positive change in one’s life.
It doesn’t have to be something big or crazy you can just try something you didn’t feel ready to do in the past like going to the cinema or restaurant by yourself.
Getting out of your comfort zone doesn’t necessarily mean trying something extravagant, but putting yourself to the test.
7. Let go of regrets
If you spend all your time thinking about the past, you will miss the present and jeopardize your future. You can’t change what you have, or haven’t done in the past, so you just have to let go of the regrets and move on . The only thing you have control over is how you choose to live your life.
So, to improve your life, challenge those negative thoughts about your past that come up from time to time.
8. Learn to say No
Unfortunately, your energy is not infinite. It is then important to make sure that it is only going towards what you truly care about.
How to do? Learn to say no!
You don’t have to feel guilty about saying no to your boss when he asks you for extra work or to your friend who wants to see you for the fifth time in two days.
Ultimately, saying no is a means of self-preservation.
9. Be available to others
Whether it’s helping a stranger on the street, a family member or friend in time of need helping out is a wonderfully simple act of improving yourself and your life.
Being available and helping others is not only good for those who will receive your help, but it will also be good for you it can help you find a sense of purpose, contribution, and take your mind off your problems and worries. .
10. Learn to accept yourself (pros and cons)
The only person who can really help you change your life is you
To create that change, you must first learn to accept yourself. Accepting who you are and loving each other despite adversity will help you embark on a better path.
Find the inner courage it takes to accept and love yourself as you are. Don’t worry about what others may think of your choices if it’s something that feels right to you, act accordingly and create the life you want.