Whether you are a man or a woman, the benefits of love making , practiced safely, are multiple and go beyond pleasure.
S** is highly recommended! And not only because of the joy you experience when practicing it, but also because it has many health benefits. We bring you 10 healthy effects that sex can bring to your physical and mental state. For example, having s** can make many disease disappear, including migraines. But yes, for the benefits to your health to be effective it is necessary to practice it frequently.
10 benefits of love making for your health
1. Making love strengthens your immune system
Sexually active people get sick much less since the immune system is strengthened by generating more antibodies than someone who does not have sex. Our body is thus more protected against viruses and germs .
A study revealed that people who had sex regularly, at least once or twice a week, had levels of immunoglobulin A – an essential part of the body’s defenses 30% higher than people who did not practice it. This meant that their immune system was strengthened and, therefore, better prepared to avoid diseases such as colds and colds.
2. By making love, you can lower your blood pressure
Among the benefits of love making, according to many studies, is a favorable effect on blood pressure.
Specifically, having sex regularly reduces systolic blood pressure, the maximum value of tension when the heart contracts.
3. Love making helps you manage stress
Love making has a favourable effect on stress while having intercourse. Being close to your partner relaxes us, reduces our anxiety, increases self-esteem and happiness and is therefore a good anti-stress recipe. It is scientifically proven that sex reduces stress and anxiety levels thanks to the fact that it reduces the segregation of cortisol, known as the stress hormone.
Hugging, touching and kissing our partner makes us feel good, since during intercourse a brain chemical is released that accelerates the pleasure and reward center of the brain. In addition to all it is known that after having intercourse and especially after reaching orgasm you reach a state of perfect relaxation.
4. Making love can keep you fit
Sexual activity, although it cannot be replaced by running or cycling, counts as physical exercise and therefore you can lose weight by practicing it. When you practice it you use various muscles in the body and your heart rate accelerates, which makes you more fit. On average, you burn about 5 calories per minute .
5. Making love helps you sleep better, especially if you are a man
After intercourse men release a series of hormones such as oxytocin, serotonin, and prolactin, which induce sleep. For this reason, after a sexual encounter, men can fall asleep more quickly than normal.
In the case of women, however, they tend to be more active, even feeling greater sexual desire once the relationship has ended.
6. Among the benefits of love making is also pain relief
Do you feel any kind of pain? Make love with your partner. According to several studies, orgasm is capable of blocking pain since a hormone is released that helps raise the pain threshold. The typical headache excuse is no longer valid. In fact, actually having sex can decrease migraine. This is so because a large amount of nitric oxide is mobilized during intercourse, which especially benefits vascular type migraines. On the other hand, the endorphins and oxytocins that are released during sex can work as an analgesic and are effective weapons to combat gynecological, traumatological or muscular pain.
7. Love making is good for your heart
The practice of s** has an inversely proportional relationship with the presence of cardiovascular diseases: the higher the frequency of relationships, the fewer diseases. Having sex is good for cardiovascular health for several reasons: lowers blood pressure, activates blood circulation.
Several studies have shown that Having s** at least twice a week can significantly reduce the risk of dying from heart disease by half. Despite this and although regular sexual activity is associated with good cardiovascular health, it is important that, in the event that there is a cardiovascular pathology, you consult your specialist to be very sure.
8. Benefits of love making for your pelvic floor
The pelvic floor is not something that is exercised on a regular basis. Maintaining intercourse the muscles of the pelvis are put into operation, which translates into the toning of pelvic floor. This is because when women have an orgasm there is a contraction of the pelvic floor muscles, which strengthens that area. And this is important because if the pelvic floor is not exercised and becomes distended, there is a greater chance of suffering from urinary incontinence, a problem that affects around 30% of women at some point in their lives.
9. Love making protects against some types of cancer
Some studies show the relationship between intercourse and protection against some cancers, such as breast or prostate cancer. In breast cancer, for example, the increased secretion of the hormones DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) and oxytocin that occurs during orgasm may help protect against this particular tumor.
On the other hand, for men, having s** makes them less likely to develop prostate cancer. According to a study, ejaculating at least 21 times a month protects against cancer, so masturbation also counts.
10. Making love will make you feel happier
Making love makes you happy. Practicing love contributes to the proper functioning of your partner, to having more health, while improving communication and trust between the two.
Your body emits a large amount of pheromones during intercourse that makes you feel more desirable and confident. That’s why the people who have more making love are those with a better mood and, therefore, happier.
Now that you know the benefits of making love, there are no more excuses, let’s practice it!